Saturday, March 5, 2011

Optimist vs Pessimist



  1. I am definitely happier being an Atheist. I could never truly bring myself to believe in the religious dogma at least not once I reached an age in which I could begin to rationally think about it. I recall having arguments in confirmation classes (I was never actually confirmed) about many issues and never received satisfactory answers. I prefer to know that the reality I believe in is based on demonstrable, logically provable, fact. As for the glass question I always asked whether the glass was filled to the half way point or whether it was emptied to that point. If the glass was said to be emptied then the glass was half empty, if filled then it was half full. I consider that the true realist perspective however, most people consider it the over-thinkers perspective. On another note, you seem to be an intelligent young woman, and are not afraid to actually think which is a rare quality this day and age, don't let anyone discourage you, you have given me a new hope for humanity (really). Keep up the good work.

  2. i think the igtheist's would be the happiest because they don't have to be worried either way
    sorry I'm a little late on the comment.
